Coding Camp

A Discord server community for forum coders

About Coding Camp

Opened on 7 May 2021, Coding Camp is a Discord-based community for forum coders over the age of 18. We provide coding challenges and games for all levels of forum coding, from introductory templates to full themes. Our staff are most familiar with Jcink, but we have members from Jcink, ProBoards, ForumActif, SMF, and MyBB — all forum hosts are welcome.

Staff provide coding challenges regularly. Challenges have a list of requirements, as well as a list of bonuses, and a challenge's point value is determined by both the difficulty of the requirements, as well as the specificity of the challenge itself.

All members are sorted into cabins (teams) upon joining, with an option to join our beginner-centric cabin. Cabins compete against each other for our seasonal Cabin Cup.


Camp Stats

May 2021
open activities

Camp Credits

Coding Camp was founded by Summer (summer.css), and is now run by Summer, Bea, and Dani. Camp's base/evergreen server graphics were created by Summer, at times using images from Unsplash and icons from The Noun Project; seasonal server graphics have been made by Coding Camp members. All camp-colored server emojis come from The Noun Project or were created by Summer. Icons on are from Phosphor Icons.